Musa Gitau, Kiambu and Mukurwe primary public school pupils in Kiambu County have benefited from the Digital Learning Program (DLP) initiated by the government.

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Eutychus Njenga, Principal Musa Gitau primary said that they received two laptops for the teachers and 104 tablets for the children, extension cables and internet caps. The issuance was overseen by the Education Cabinet Secretary, Dr Fred Matiangi.

“Two teachers have gone for training on the use of the laptops and tablets. One went for the training in JKUAT and the other at the Kenya Institute for Curriculum Development (KICD)," said the principal.

The 150 schools in the country that have benefited from the program have formed a WhatsApp group where they share challenges and experiences.

In case the devices break down, they call the JKUAT or Positival Call Centre who use G4S to deliver replacements or repair the faulty ones.

The tablets contain both class one and two content and the teachers use their laptops to monitor what the pupils do with their tablets during lessons.

Musa Gitau was selected as being from a peri-urban area, Kiambu Primary in urban area and Mukurwe in a rural area.