[NASA leaders during People’s Assembly rally in Machakos. NASA has shifted Migiri rally to Homa Bay. Photo/Dennis]

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Saturday's People Assembly rally in Migori has been moved to neighbouring Homa Bay County, an ODM official has revealed.

Reportedly, Migori Governor Okoth Obado is reluctant to host the event on grounds that local political rivalry would re-emerge.

"The meeting shall take place at Homa Bay. The governor fears that local political rivarly could overshadow the event," said Migori ODM Chairaman Philip Makabong'o.

Homa Bay Women Representative Gladys Wanga, who is also the ODM chairperson has since confirmed that the rally shall take place in her backyard.

"We shall hold the rally and plans are underway to host the NASA brigade. Otherwise we urge our supporters to come in numbers."

Equally, the NASA coalition has cancelled Gusii stadium rally scheduled on Sunday, claiming that both Nyamira and Kisii Counties are yet to pass the People's Assembly motion.

"We shall not have the Kisii rally because both Kisii and Nyamira are yet to pass the motion. That is mandatory in these current events," said an ODM lawyer who declined to be named.

On Wednesday, Nyamira Deputy Governor Amos Nyaribo insisted that the local assembly shall pass the motion in few days time.