NASA leader Raila Odinga in the past interview with BBC.[Photo/BBC]

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NASA flag bearer Raila Odinga has disputed claims that he issued sentiments to block his supporters from participating in the repeat presidential polls. 

Speaking on Tuesday to BBC, Odinga negated claims that he told his supporters to take to the streets on polling day, saying the only thing he said is to tell them to stay at home but whoever wishes to take part in the sham election is free irrespective of the consequences.

“…we never told our supporters to demonstrate on the polling day, we told them to stay at home but those who wish to take part in the sham election irrespective of the consequences and those who says it is not right to do it are free and justified,” asserted the NASA leader.

Raila further took issue with Jubilees’ Women Representatives saying that they are militarizing politics, wearing military jungle fatigue to intimidate electorates in the country. 

He said that the peaceful demonstrations are guaranteed in the Kenyan constitution, urging his supporters to carry with them white handkerchiefs as an emblem of peace and not anarchy.

But paradoxically, the NASA’s Secretary General Norman Magaya has differed with the NASA boss, reiterating that demonstrations will go on as planned and nothing will deter from exercising their rights until their contagious demands are attended to.