Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has ordered a local media house to make an immediate apology for linking him to corruption in one of their stories published on 2, October 2016.
Through his lawyer Mwangi and Co Advocates, Cord leader asked the Standard newspaper to make an apology with the same prominence as the defaming article.
Raila ordered a retraction of the story published on Sunday. The story linked Raila to the troubles facing Kenya Airways (KQ).
“We are instructed to demand a retraction of the headline and an apology to our client published with the same prominence that you granted the defamatory statement. We have instructions to commence proceedings against the writer and publisher within seven days if the said retraction and apology are not made,” read the warning letter.
The story reported that Astral Aviation Limited (AAL) which is associated with Raila Odinga had overcharged Kenya Airways Sh400,000 accumulated from 2006-2015.
On Sunday, Odinga, through ODM communications director Philip Etale, distanced himself from the KQ cargo scandal adding that he would issue a comprehensive statement on Monday.