NASA principal Raila Odinga at a past function. [PHOTO/]

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NASA leader Raila Odinga has at last said he is ready for dialogue with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

However, the dialogue will only happen on conditions as revealed by his political adviser Salim Lone.

In a statement on Wednesday, Lone said Raila has always been open to hold dialogue and that he even asked for this before the August 8 elections.

"There was no interest in dialogue nor in holding an honest election. He has repeatedly indicated his willingness to enter into dialogue, even now, if it is held between equals as was done in 2008 between a sworn-in President Kibaki and Raila," Lone said.

However, Lone insisted that Raila's only condition for the dialogue is that there be an agreed agenda.

"This should, unlike in 2008, include electoral justice. Raila is holding the country together through his commitment to pursuing constitutional and peaceful means of resolving issues," he said.

Lone said that

 "crimes against Kenyans have brought us to this sorry and explosive pass."