National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale has said that Cord leader Raila Odinga's complains about IEBC and the voter registration exercise are a sign that he has sensed an impending defeat.

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Speaking at the coast on Saturday, Duale said that Raila has now shifted posts after realising that Jubilee have beaten him in the voter registration exercise.

“Opposition leader Raila Odinga had said the contest between Cord and Jubilee will be known after the registration of voters. But now that he has realised voters in Jubilee areas are turning out in large numbers, he is now claiming National Intelligence Service is enlisting foreigners as voters ahead of August elections,” Duale said.

Earlier, Raila had said that there was a scheme left in place by former IEBC officials to have Jubilee back in power through all means.

"Our investigation has confirmed that numbers that do not qualify as ID numbers have been used to register voters in parts of the country and that is responsible for what is being presented as high turnout in voter registration in those regions," said Raila in a press statement.