Raila Junior, son of the former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, employed a sense of humour as he responded to a video that made rounds on social media showing controversial Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria allegedly calling for the assassination of the Cord leader.
Kuria was caught telling a church congregation in his native Kikuyu lexicon saying:
“Shoot Raila Odinga for once and Luos will throw stones for one week and forget him once and for all."
In a swift rejoinder on facebook Raila Junior stated:
“We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families- Philip Gourevitch I’d like to buy Moses Kuria that book.”
Gourevitch, is a New York writer who wrote the chilling book after spending time in Rwanda interviewing victims and perpetrators of the 1994 genocide.
Raila’s son also offered Kuria lessons on the genocide in Rwanda, saying:
"I will pay for his return air ticket to the genocide memorial in Kigali… Ask him to send me his preferred travel dates and to act like a leader for once. Every time Moses Kuria trends national unity depreciates a little more.”
The post has been shared more than 200 times on facebook.