Cord leader Raila Odinga has revealed the long-awaited announcement on Jubilee plans to cripple three counties.

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On Monday, Odinga claimed that the World bank jointly with the Kenyan government are conducting a massive but dangerous multimillion water project in Murang'a county.

The project is meant to increase water capacity in Ndakaini dam which supplies Nairobi county water.

The former Prime Minister claimed the project was carried out despite a lack of environmental assessment by mandated authorities. Raila further revealed that the project also involved the construction of tunnels from Aberdare forest which he said would pose a danger to residents of Murang'a, an area that is prone to landslides.

Odinga also questioned the wisdom behind the project despite the fact that Nairobi is not structurally prepared to handle increased water volumes.

“This secret project was strongly rejected by the late John Michuki when he served as Environment Minister,” Odinga claimed.

He went on, "Michuki termed the project as "tunnels of death" that would only be constructed over his dead body."

“The president must stop the project in the Aberades until public participation is conducted in Murang’a Tana River, and Ukambani," Odinga demanded.

He indicated that the project would not only affect Murang’a but also areas in Ukambani region and in Tana River, given that the Aberdares is a water catchment area.