NASA leader Raila Odinga, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho and his Kilifi counterpart Amason Kingi in Kilifi on Sunday. [Photo: Hassan Joho/ Facebook]With NASA leader Raila Odinga widely expected to hang his political boots after a failed State House bid in his fourth attempt, attention now shifts to 2022.Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho has emerged as one of the leading contenders to inherit his political capital when the former Premier calls it a day on his decades-long checkered political career.However, the ODM leader's decision not to endorse Joho's Coast region secession call on Sunday could seal the political fate of the fiery Mombasa Governor.Joho and his Kilifi counterpart Amason Kingi have in the past few months since the August 8 poll amplified the Coast region secession call.However, Raila failed to endorse the self-rule plan for the Coast region as fronted by Joho and Kingi and instead called for dialogue.According to many analysts, Joho and Kingi's Coast secession call is a political strategy aimed to springboard their political ambitions come 2022.Analysts believe that the two outspoken governors want to use the secession call to remain politically relevant and score big in the next presidential race.The two governors have since failed to recognise Uhuru Kenyatta's Presidency, something that came to the fore in the recently-concluded governors’ conference in Kwale, which they skipped. President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto addressed the conference.However, Raila's decision not to rubber stamp the call leaves the two firebrand governors at crossroads as they will have to rethink their political strategy to outsmart their would-be 2022 opponents.To further complicate Joho and Kingi’s presidential dreams is the Raila succession plan in ODM, which it is widely expected to be a bruising battle with veteran politicians expected to square it out.As to whether they will overcome the hurdles as they embark on their ambitious political odyssey remains to be seen. Is there a newsworthy accident, incident or event happening in Mombasa County that you want Hivisasa to cover? Tell us what is happening by joining this group and have it published.
Raila's move that may dim Joho, Kingi 2022 ambitions
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-Frank Idewa