A former MP aspirant has a designed a new role for opposition leader Raila Odinga when he steps down from active politics.

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Boniface Mwangi said on Monday the best Raila can do after leaving the active political ring should be to nurture young politicians and ensure they keep on checking the government.

"[Raila] was 'handchequed'! and it seems Uhuru Kenyatta won’t honour the 'handcheque' Memorandum of Uunderstanding," Mwangi said in a tweet.

"The best thing Raila can do now is to step down from active politics and mentor the young politicians in his party. It’s legacy not whining time!"

He made the remark after the opposition chief said unless the changes envisages in the MoU between him and President Uhuru Kenyatta are honoured, Kenyan may experience another chaotic election in 2022.

Raila who was speaking in the UK during his five-day tour of Europe was quoted as saying that: "Without the changes we envisages in the MoU then the 2022 elections will be messy. I will come with the sake confusions, heartbreaks and posibly chaos."

Kenyans, following the meeting Raila and President Uhuru Kenyatta had at Harambee House on March 9, expected the two leaders to iron out all electoral issues that usually cause chaos during the elections.