Residents of Kanyagwal in Nyando Sub County who faced challenges accessing the MitiMbili – Ogenya road on Tuesday had a reason to smile after one of the local leaders repaired the impassable road.

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Area chief of Kanyagwal location Elly Owiti Origa said the road has been impassable for a long time and has greatly affected the local community.

Chief Origa said the bad section of the road has affected transport activities especially given that the road goes to Kanyagwal dispensary and Kanyagwal secondary schools in the area.

He lauded the good gesture to repair the road by Ogra Foundation Director Dr Hezron McObewa who volunteered to murram the road.

“I am thankful and grateful to McObewa for coming to the aid of the locals to repair this road which was impassable,” he said.

Ms Jane Auma Kung’a who is one of the local women leaders in Kanyagwal said the repair of the road is a good gesture adding that it was a sign of good will from an individual.

Kung’a said women were the most affected since they could not access the hospital with ease due to the bad road.

“Many women skipped clinic for their new borne babies because of the poor road especially during rainy season like now. I am humble to give thanks to our leaders for coming to our aid,” she said.

Dr Hezron McObewa on his part said he was moved by the plight of the local community who had decried the poor state of the road.

He said the road had really disadvantaged the community especially the women.

“I know some functions relating to roads are still with the national government. But village roads like this should be done by the county government. This is a challenge to the current leadership of the county to go to the ground and prioritize the needs of the locals,” he said.