Jubilee party secretary-general Raphael Tuju. [Photo/Daily Nation]

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Jubilee party secretary-general Raphael Tuju hit out at Raila Odinga's ODM party a day after President Uhuru Kenyatta named part of his cabinet who will serve in his second and last term in office. While naming the cabinet on Friday, Uhuru retained six cabinet secretaries who served in his first term and brought in three new faces who include: former Turkana Senator John Munyes, outgoing Director of Public Prosecution Keriako Tobiko and Ex-Marsabit Governor Ukur Yatani.Kenyatta's list, however, elicited mixed reactions online and across the political divide after names of politicians such as Ababu Namwamba, Paul Otuoma, Hassan Omar and Tuju went missing on the list. The Jubilee SG, however, took issue with members of the Orange party and told them off to stop complaining on his behalf."Hey ODM folk, I feel like am the one who should be making all the noise over MY not being included in the cabinet yesterday(Friday), not you.....just saying," Tuju tweeted, Saturday.