News that Citizen TV Swahili news anchor Swaleh Mdoe had decided to sell one of his kidneys caught many by surprise.

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Mdoe reportedly told Pulse magazine that he was looking for a buyer for his kidney to settle some financial issues.

“I have decided to sell one of my kidneys after consulting my doctor on the matter. I have some pressing financial issues that I want to offset and all I can think of right now is selling my kidney. Feel free to share my mobile phone number (0722733130). I need to do this urgently,” he said during the interview.

Swaleh said he did not want to bother people with his problems.Kenyans on Twitter reacted to the news with consolation messages to the news anchor.

Here is what a section of Kenyans said after the reports went round in social media:

@asmali77 said, “Citizen TV Swahili news anchor Swaleh Mdoe has decided to sell one of his kidneys for 850K in the hopes that he will get some money to sort out his financial problems. How much do these anchors get paid? Why is he that desperate? So many questions raised by his attempt.”

@tyrus_ wrote, “I see a loan product behind this Swaleh Mdoe kidney story. Chances are it will go with a very unimaginative tagline like "You don't have to sell your organs to be financially stable"...Anyway, what do I know.”

@DoltBetty wrote, “It's not just Swaleh Mdoe though. And that should tell you something. It's not about his expenditures or his debts it's about an economy (globally) that can allow billionaires and extreme poverty to sit side by side, both growing in polar opposite directions.”

@Dan_sudi said, “If Swaleh Mdoe who has been working for the last 20 years decides to put his kidney up for sale sasa sisi wenye we have been jobless for years si tutauza kila kitu tuu baki na heart tuu. I assume April's fools day has come early.”

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