Cheat among rich mean is quit common.Even after a rich man dies many women emerge claiming they had a relationship and children with him. But why do rich mean cheat? Is it that their wives don't do enough to impress them? Here are some of the reasons:
1.Once a man have money or wealth most girls are attracted on you.This kind of temptations appears difficult to overcome. They end up giving in to these girls attractions at the expense of their money.
2.There is some mentality that develop in a person when you become rich or wealth.You feel your money can conquer everything you wish. To prove this, they use their money to lure girls of their choice. They also feel that with money you can win any woman of your choice. They end up cheating due to such mentalities.
3.Lack of enough time with their wives. You realize that rich men are always busy and spends little time with their wives.They end feeling loneliness which they solve by acquiring other women or girls.
4.Terminal Uniqueness: He may feel like he is different and deserves something special that other men might not. The usual rules just don’t apply to him, so he is free to reward himself outside his primary relationship whenever he wants.