In today’s society, both men and women watch pornography. However, men watch it frequently than women and don’t feel the need to conceal their porn watching ways. Here are the reasons why women keep their porn watching habits in lockdown mode.

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It’s a taboo

Society considers watching porn a taboo. It’s more immoral for women to watch porn than for men. Women conceal their porn watching customs for the fear of being viewed as people who engage in something that is a taboo.

It’s considered unlady-like

Society has stereotype women of being a certain way. There are things which women aren’t supposed to do in some community such as eat too much, shave their hair and watch porn. The society’s perception of women being “proper” hinders them from freedom of expression. People will view them as impure and undesirable if they step outside the set ladylike image.

They are embarrassed

Women feel embarrassed when people know they are watching two strangers grinding their genitals. Many people think that the type of porn women watch is the type of sex they have, which is entirely not true. Watching porn is also linked to masturbation and being perverse and this makes women to conceal their habits.

They fear judgment

Women fear being judged by both men and their fellow women. Women view other women who watch porn as being promiscuous while men view them as cheap and easy to take to bed, something that every woman hates.


Some women just prefer keeping it to themselves. Not because they care too much about the society’s values, but because it’s their own little pleasure and they don’t want to expose their dirty linen in public.