When a relationship ends, the two of you are always affected in one way or the other. The effect might be immediately or after some time depending on how exactly you are handling the break-up. People usually find it difficult to get over their ex and you might be wondering why. These are the 5 reasons why you can’t get over your ex.

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Getting yourself thinking that you can never get over your ex- As a person, you program your brain to do what you want it to do. Convincing yourself that your ex is the only thing that exists in your life is quite dangerous. The brain will be programmed in a way that no man or woman is better than your ex. That is when you will find it difficult to find another person in life. You will always be thinking of your ex. Remember to convince yourself that there are better people out there.

Obsession over your ex- obsession would be something that would be consuming you inwardly compared to the break up itself. Obsession happens when everything you do is all about your ex. You are too concerned about what he/she is doing. You become too much into spying on him/her on social media, workplace and where they are at the moment. Stop that; you are worsening the situation.

Refusing to accept that the relationship is over- when you are in self-denial for too long then you will never get over your ex. You will keep on blaming yourself or someone else for your break up forgetting that there is life ahead of you. Accept that it is over; he/she is not coming back, life goes on.

Losing yourself- when you forget that you can exist on yourself without your ex is catastrophic. You will have suicidal thoughts and you will think of worst possible things you can do without your ex. What you should know is one thing, your ex-found you when you were existing. The way he/she came into your life is the same way he has left. 

Letting yourself hear and feel what is nonsense- you might want to involve friends and relatives in the healing process of you break up. Letting them control what you want hear is bad enough. Obviously, your friends will always say your ex was bad and that will worsen. Sometimes it is good to heal on your own without an opinion from your friends. Healing would be complete and very sweet.