Nominated MP Isaac Mwaura has said the recent increase of strikes by doctors and lecturers are political."There must be some tribal political agenda to make the country ungovernable and also pass a political message especially this coming in an election year," said Mwaura.The MP even questioned the motive and persons leading the unions to strike."You cannot rule out politics and because tribe is king in this country then we also need to look at who are the leaders of this unions," said Mwaura.However, Kibra MP Ken Okoth challenged Mwaura's sentiment on why he singled out the tribal affiliations of workers unions leaders. "He said that we should look at the tribes of the leaders of the unions and see if the tribes of the leaders determine their positions to effect, the counter argument is would the government unwillingness to listen to the union be influenced by the tribe of the union leaders," said Okoth.Over the past few months, doctors in public hospitals have been on strike and on Thursday University dons started theirs.

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