Kinanie bridge connects Kinanie ward to Athi River town.

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Most, if not all "exhauster" lorries carrying human wastes from Athi River and the neighbouring Kitengela town pass through this bridge to the dumping site.

Farmers from Lukenya, Kinanie and Daystar university area use this bridge while transporting farm produce to Athi River, Kitengela, Mlolongo and even Machakos town.

For several years, the bridge has been in a deplorable condition. During the rainy season, water passes over the bridge rendering it impassable! During those times, residents of Kinanie are forced to use other routes which are longer and more expensive! 

The repair of the bridge, therefore, came as a blessing to the people of Kinanie and Daystar! The repair works started on Monday and an alternative route has been created for motorists and other road users! 

The bridge is along Mutungoni road and it is also the gateway to the famous Mutungoni academy, Athi River resort, Wajibu Wetu children's home and Sunrise high school.