A person with a stomachache. [Photo/pinterest]
When you are bloated, constipated, nauseous, or have indigestion, try these natural remedies to make an upset stomach feel better without medicine.
Carrot and mint juice helps an Upset Stomach-blend some carrots and extract the carrot juice , add some mint into a glass half full of warm water then add the carrot juice and drink
Use rice water. To settle an upset stomach or stop diarrhea use rice water to make “rice tea”, boil a cup of rice and drain the rice after some time flavor the water with some honey and drink while it is still warm.
Eat some burnt toast. It helps to settles an upset Stomach the charcoal on the toast absorbs toxins that are causing the upset.
Drink yogurt to reduces stomach discomfort. Yogurt contains probiotic bacterial which helps boost digestion and also boost your immune system.
Heat Helps an upset Stomach place a hot water bottle or heating pad on your upset stomach. The heat increases blood flow to the skin surface and transfers the perception of pain from inside your stomach to the outside.