The late  Yvonne Wamalwa (photo/

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Kenya is mourning the death of former vice president’s widow Yvonne Wamalwa, who passed on early today at her sister home in Nanyuki. She will be remembered for many things she has been able to accomplish during her times. Arrangements are in place to airlift the body to Lee Funeral Home in Nairobi. Here are crucial things you need to know about her:Married at 34The late Yvonne Wamalwa got married at the age of 34. By then, the late Kijana Wamalwa was 60 years old. Unfortunately, there marriage didn’t last a year as Wamalwa died within six months of their marriage, an incidence to remember for many Kenyans in 2003.Went to Cardinal Otunga Girls High SchoolThe late did her secondary school education at Cardinal Otunga Girls High School in Bungoma County. She later pursued her higher education in Murdoch University, Australia where she pursued a degree in Terrorism and International Security.Had many secrets to remain youngThe late managed to look young throughout her whole life for many reasons. She was a vegetarian eating organic food as her daily diet. She was very conscious of every kind of food she puts in her stomach which helped her remain young and energetic.She was in a legal inheritance fightThe late was in a fight over late Wamalwa’s inheritance of money with her two step-sons, William Wamalwa Jnr and William Samuel. She couldn’t account for some huge sums of money Wamalwa left behind.Worked with the United Nations HabitatThe late was appointed by former president Mwai Kibaki to the UN habitat as Kenya’s Deputy Permanent Representative. This was after the death of her husband. But later on, she was dismissed from the UN by Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Monica Juma.