[President Uhuru Kenyatta in a past event. He has apologized to the Gusii community. Photo/Nation]

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President Uhuru Kenyatta has moved swiftly to apologize to Gusii community over perceptions that he is targeting the entire community through his persistent taunts of Chief Justice David Maraga.

Evidently, on Wednesday, a remorseful Uhuru denied that his continuous attacks of Maraga were directly targeting Abagusii people.

“I have no issues with the Gusii people. It is only that I do not agree with that old man (Maraga) and his team. They are dragging us behind,” he said.

Uhuru added:”if at all you interpreted so, I am apologetic over that. I need you all to win these elections. I was within the confines of the law when I criticized the judiciary.”

Barely a day after the unreserved apology, dozens of youth who buried Uhuru’s effigy in Keroka in solidarity with Maraga were arrested and charged with treason.

And Uhuru, through consolations with Jubilee MPs from Gusii, persuaded Nero Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu to drop a petition seeking removal of CJ Maraga from office.