Bomariba ward MCA Protus Moindi. Residents have decried he has abandoned them months after he was re-elected. [Photo/Protus Moindi]Bomariba ward residents in Kisii South Sub County have accused area MCA Protus Moindi of abandoning them immediately he was elected on August 8. 

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The residents on Saturday said they made a mistake re-electing the MCA for a second round.

“We thought we could Moindi will be of help in his second term but unfortunately he is no longer picking calls or replying messages. Since he was sworn into office, no one in the ward has ever spotted him step in the ward,” said Juma Omwoyo, a resident. 

Euniah Oyaro a trader at Kasarani trading center, said the MCA promised to construct business stalls at the center with sheds within the first 60 days in office but nothing has been done until today.

She said the MCA has shortchanged the electorates after he cheated them to get votes.

“We were enticed with impossible promises by Moindi to give him votes. The 60 days he said he will complete constructing stalls with sheds using his own money are over and there are no plans to construct. No security lights installed so far yet he promised to do it,” she said.

Mrs. Oyaro said locals may be forced to go into the streets to pile pressure on the MCA to perform. 


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