Kiambu, Nairobi and Murang’a residents are set to benefit from the construction of the Northern Collector Tunnel water project.

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The project is aimed at ensuring safe, sustainable and reliable water supply for the three counties and surrounding satellite towns.

According to Athi Water Services Board (AWSB) CEO Eng Malaquen Milgo, the project which will cost Sh 171 billion is part of the government’s water master plan to be implemented by AWSB with support from World Bank, Africa Development Bank (AfDB) and KFW of Germany.

The project will help produce over 140,000 cubic metres per day additional water and extend the network to new consumers.

“Currently, Nairobi is facing water shortage of about 140 million litres daily and our goal is to ensure reliable water supply. The tunnel will transfer raw water from intakes at Maragua, Gikigie and Irati rivers to an outlet at the Githika river upstream of the existing Thika reservoir,” he said.

The master plan was launched in 2012 and is expected to provide a water supply blue print to meet the short, medium and long term water demand for Nairobi city and 13 satellite towns. According to AWSB, currently Nairobi receives 580, 000m3 per day against a demand of 750, 000m3 and the demand is expected to increase to 860,000m3 per day by 2017 and 1.5milliom m3 per day by 2035.

He said that the master plan is to be implemented in five phases each taking four years. The first phase will target ground water exploitation and development, second phase targeting Northern Corridor 1, third phase targeting Maragua dam, Thika dam and South Mathioya Collector Tunnel, fourth phase targeting Northern Collector2 and Ngorongo phase 2 and the final phase will be targeting Ndarugu 1 System .The project is expected to be finished by 2030.

“In terms of environmental impact AWSB contracted GIBB Africa ltd to undertake an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment to ensure that only flood water is channeled into the tunnel and that the downstream demand is not impacted by the project. In addition a, resettlement action plan has also been prepared to ascertain the extent of land acquisition to ensure that any person affected will be compensated,” he added.

But, Murang’a Senator Kembi Gitura has opposed the construction of the Northern Collector Tunnel saying it will not benefit residents and the Sh 1 per cubic meter proposed by Governor Mwangi Wa iria is meager.

“Before this project begins, there must be a conclusive environmental and scientific evidence that it will not affect normal flow of the three rivers, Gatie, Maragua and Gikigie from which it is meant to draw water from,” he said.

Kembi urged the Murang'a County government to take advantage of the project to create a long-term commercial enterprise that will create wealth for residents.