NASA principals. Photo: Nasa Secretariat.

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The National Super Alliance (NASA) leaders are set to meet on Saturday to continue their deliberations on who will face President Uhuru Kenyatta in the August 8th elections.

The Standard has reported that NASA's National Coordinating Committee is also edging closer to deciding who will be the coalition's flag bearer.

Sources closer to the NCC have disclosed that the 12-member committee is setting five criteria of coming up with a presidential candidate for NASA. 

The criteria are as follows, first, the NCC will employ elimination method this will be based on gauging the four principals past performances in previous general elections.

Second, the NCC will look for a candidate who can attract a sizeable amount of votes from Jubilee strongholds.

Third, the committee will scrutinise who among the four principals is more unlikely to receive support outside his political base without the support if the other principals.

Fourth, the NCC will also seek to find out who among the four principals cannot provoke the Jubilee supporters to make them come out in large numbers to vote.

Finally, they will also seek to establish who among the four can attract votes from a block and who among them if not picked can still get apathy votes from his stronghold.