Researchers have found that eating cold carbohydrates helps in weight loss. [Photo/COURTESY]

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Consuming foods rich in starch such as potatoes, rice, yams and ugali has been known to cause people to add weight because of their high calorie content. However, new research has revealed that these "bad foods" can do the opposite of what they are famed for; burn fat! 

The ability of these foods to burn fat depends on how you consume them.

Researchers have found that when cold, the starch in carbohydrates become resistant to digestion and therefore reach into the large intestines undigested. They are referred to as "resistant starch". 


Well, the fact that resistant starch passes through the digestive tract undigested means that your overall caloric intake is reduced.

According to Professor Janine Higgins, a nutrition researcher at the University of Colorado, resistant starch ferments in the colon releasing beneficial fatty acids. A fatty acid known as butyrate blocks the burning of carbohydrates and hence the body is forced to break down the stored fat. 

Resistant starch is bulky and so takes up space in the digestive tract, leading to lesser eating. 

They stay in the digestive tract longer thus creating a feeling of fullness resulting in reduced eating. 

They also influence the body to produce more satiety-inducing hormones. These hormones shut off hunger and you definitely eat less.

Now you can eat your favorite food without worrying about gaining weight and you'll loose weight in the process, only if you eat your starch rich food cold.