Schools in North Eastern region may not open for the second term on Monday due to damage to classrooms by ongoing floods.

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The devastating rains experienced in the region have destroyed schools, rendered locals homeless with roads becoming impassible leaving majority in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

Reopening of schools in the region will also be affected as most residents affected by floods are camping in schools.

Residents in Garissa were forced to abandon their homes and seek refuge in schools as their homes were rendered uninhabitable after floods swept their homes away and other belongings after River Tana burst its banks.

Parents in the region are fearing for the safety of their children ahead of the reopening of schools.

“Most of the schools are flooded and schools are reopening on Monday. The rains are still ongoing and we can’t risk letting our children go out,” said Mr. Hassan Hussein, a parent.

Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed said the ongoing heavy rains being experienced in different parts of the country have affected infrastructure in schools.

“The officers should advise the ministry on areas where the rains may drastically affect the opening of schools or the learning process in the higher education sector with a view of forestalling any crises,” said Ms. Mohamed.