Cord leader Raila Odinga's daughter Rosemary Odinga has said that Raila’s ultimate wish for Maasailand is to bring an end to historical land injustices to which the community in Kajiado and Narok were subjected by colonial and postcolonial regimes.

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Speaking at a public rally in Kapiti, Ms Odinga said that the Cord leader was working on uniting the Maa community so as to build a force against forces frustrating them.

“I stand before you today to bring you this message from my father who loves you very much," she said in Kapiti.

"It is out of that love that the Kajiado Maasai gave me the name Naserian and I am proud of it. My name is Rosemary Naserian Odinga."

She said this at the launch of George Kimiti’s bid for the 2017 Kajiado East parliamentary seat using an ODM ticket.

Ms Odinga further asked the community to register in large numbers so as to bring to power a government that would stand for them.

“I was once told by a Maasai elder that when it rains in Maasailand, men do not sleep in their houses but spend the night protecting their livestock from imminent attacks by marauding hyenas," she said.

"I want you to protect what is rightfully yours by refusing to sleep. Register in large numbers and use your votes to elect upright leaders."