A row has erupted in the Wiper powerhouse following serious differences between party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Chairman David Musila over Kitui’s gubernatorial politics.

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Mr Kalonzo rubbed Mr Musila, who has declared interest to contest for the governor’s seat in the August 8 General Election, the wrong way when he openly campaigned for Kitui Governor Julius Malombe at Kwa Vonza centre on Monday.

In remarks that could be interpreted as attempts to have Musila shelve his governorship ambition to pave way for Dr Malombe’s reelection, Kalonzo said the two should strike a deal so that each retains their current posts in this year’s elections.

The Cord co-principals endorsement of Malombe did not go down well with Musila, who is also Kitui Senator, as well as other leaders from the region who had joined him on his tour of the opposition stronghold.

Since Monday, Mr Kalonzo has been leading the leaders on a series of campaign roadshows to persuade residents of Lower Eastern counties of Machakos, Kitui and Makueni to enlist as voters en masse during the ongoing mass voter listing.

The remarks also angered Machakos Senator Johnson Muthama, MPs Makali Mulu (Kitui Central), Marcus Muluvi (Kitui East) and Charles Nyamai (Kitui Rural) who, together with Musila, yesterday bolted from Kalonzo’s procession at Mutomo in Kitui South, leaving him with Kibwezi East MP Jessica Mbalu and Governor Malombe.

Addressing a press conference in Kitui Town yesterday evening, Mr Musila accused the former vice president of playing partisan politics by taking sides with Governor Malombe.

The Senator argued that Kalonzo and Malombe had turned the three-day voter mobilisation exercise into a platform to endorse and campaign for the incumbent’s reelection.

Musila and Malombe were elected on a Wiper ticket in the 2013 national polls and are set to battle it out for the party’s gubernatorial ticket in the impending nominations.

The two have not been seeing eye to eye since Musila expressed interest to oust Malombe from his seat sometime in 2015. The seat has also attracted former Land Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu.

The Senator said it was undemocratic for the Kalonzo to show preference to some aspirants as doing so would cause disharmony and anxiety among members and throw the party into upheaval.

“I have taken issue with Kalonzo Musyoka’s move to publicly declare Malombe as his preferred candidate for the top county job while cognisant of my gubernatorial ambitions,” a visibly agitated Musila noted.

“The party leader should be non-partisan, neutral and independent when handling party affairs to avoid a situation where some aspirants feel short-changed,” he added.

In addition, Mr Musila said it was ironic for Musyoka to keep saying the party primaries would be free and fair when it was clear who his favorite candidates were.

He said the party leader had no authority to dictate his political candidature and advised him to focus on his presidential bid.

“I am fully supporting Kalonzo Musyoka for presidency but I want him to stop meddling with the county politics so as to allow the residents a chance to elect a governor of their choice,” said Musila.

While exuding confidence of a landslide win, the Senator said "Nobody, even Kalonzo Musyoka whom I respect very much, would talk him out of his gubernatorial ambitions and advised Malombe to prepare for a resounding defeat."

“I will not disappoint the people of Kitui who want me to become their next governor because they believe in my leadership. They say Malombe has fallen short of their expectations. Let him prepare to go home,” he added.

Last year, Wiper lost six of its members including Machakos Governor Dr Alfred Mutua and MPs John Munuve (Mwingi North), Joe Mutambu (Mwingi Central), Richard Makenga (Kaiti), Regina Ndambuki (Kilome) and Kisoi Munyao (Mbooni) to Jubilee Party.

The defectors cited frustrations by the party leadership as among the reasons that prompted them to jump ship.