The need and the search for a perfect usually seems a daunting task at first and no one individual still wants to commit their relationship just yet. This phase is usually challenging phase in many individuals as it can be a phase that one is likely to acquire HIV and other STD or even be a victim of love gone sour. To avoid these challenges that comes with this phase it is good to adhere to the rules below:
1. Speak your mind. Be open about your expectation from the word go to avoid future misunderstandings and heartbreaks. Both of you have to be okay with the end results and that means being on the same page always.
2. Always practice safe sex. Let condoms be your friend no matter how tight your friendship is as getting STIs can be easy in this phase.
3. Be open to new possibilities. Keep your eyes and heart open for new relationship. Simply don't get too comfortable with your sex partner.
4. Limit your expectations. Don't expect your sex partner to take you out on fancy dinners or surprise you with flowers and what not. Also, do not expect to be introduced to his circle of friends or relatives. You will always be confined as just friends.
5. Avoid being clingy. Nothing kills a friend with benefit faster like being too clingy.
6. Finally, let your friends with benefit be: Don't get mad if he wants to meet someone else. Don't try to change them.