Deputy president, William Ruto, and Raila Odinga who now seems to be preaching the same gospel after the famous handshake between Uhuru and Raila on Friday visited Mombasa and Kisii respectively.

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Mr. William Ruto on Friday made promises to Kenyans at Jomvu Primary school.

He was reiterating another time the promises the jubilee government have been reminding  Kenyans right from 2013'

Speaking to residents in Jomvu where he had gone to launch the Jomvu Kuu-Jitoni-Rabai road, Mr. Ruto promised jobs among other things as part of what he called the new paradigm shift following the truce between Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta.

"When Uhuru Kenyatta and honorable Raila Odinga shook hands and agreed, politics of parties and leadership came to an end.So it is time for the 45 million Kenyans, roads, electricity, water, medicine, youths to get employment that is the new paradigm shift." The vice president promised.

Elsewhere, the former prime minister was in Kisii where he met Kisii leaders before to attend the burial of Professor Tumbo Oeri who died of heart attack.While addressing the Kisii elders, Raila reminded them of the importance of a united and a peaceful nation for the purpose of togetherness.

"We agreed that we must build one peaceful nation.That is why I agreed to sit with president Uhuru on behalf of millions of the Kenyans I represent," the ODM party leader said.

Mr. Raila Odinga described the document signed between him and president Kenyatta as explicit on matters inclusivity, poverty, corruption, and security.

He further explained the possibility of a country to achieve everything if people work together.

"If we agree on all these issues we will build a better new Kenya.Everything is possible if we agree to work together." Raila said.