DP William Ruto must stop chest thumping, a Jubilee MP has stated.

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Nandi Hills Mp Alfred Keter says that the DP's remarks about winning over MPs from the opposition over the weekend could be interpreted as arrogance and reflect badly on the ruling Jubilee Coalition.

He stated that as much as it is great to see defections, they must be done in a respectful manner.

"I think that we must respect others even in victory because the elections are not yet here and we can lose just like they (ODM) have right now," he stated.

The DP, while speaking over the weekend stated that Budalang'i MP Ababu Namwamba had already defected to the ruling Jubilee Coalition and that he was working on other defections.

That statement did not go down well with Ababu who called the DP a liar.

Keter says that though confidence is high that the Jubilee Coalition will win the 2017 elections, they must remain humble.

"We are going to a period where we will need to be humble and compete fairly. That is something that we need for the country to move forward," he added.

A number of MPs are shifting to the Jubilee wing from CORD, a move which according to the DP is an indicator of his political prowess.