St. Scholastica’s Catholic school last celebration after the release of KCPE results. [photo/]Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi had mentioned earlier that form ones will not buy textbooks on their admission.​However some schools are still charging parents for items they are not required to pay for following an increase in the Government subsidyA review of 2018 fee structures for numerous public secondary schools shows some are still charging medical and insurance fees as well as a charge for teaching, learning materials and exams.

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The President had earlier said the Government would provide insurance cover for all students through NHIF.

Hence admission letters from different Schools such as Musingu, Naivasha Girls, St Bakhita Gataragwa, Tumutumu Girls, Naro Moru Girls, Othaya Boys and Njabini Boys ask parents to buy Bibles, spring files, mathematical sets, dictionaries, atlases, pens, pencils and Kamusi, among other items.

Parents are not supposed to pay for teaching and learning materials for which the Government is paying Sh4,792 per student hence some schools have indicated fees for them

Although the Government circular indicated parents would continue meeting the cost of uniform, some schools have asked for as much as Sh13,000 and tie parents to specific suppliers.

They have even  given specific names to which parents should write cheques to be given items like uniforms and personal effects.

Previously, the Government capitation per child was Sh12,870 but it was increased by Sh9,374, which means maximum fees payable for boarding schools will be Sh53,000.

The circular shows national and extra-county schools in Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Kisumu and Eldoret will be covered under this rate. Fees for other boarding schools have been set at Sh40,545.