As an effort to strengthen future fathers ,Nakuru Woman Representative Liza Chelule has urged Kenyan fathers to be role models to their sons and empower them.

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The legislator has blamed vices such as drug and substance abuse, gambling, sexual abuse and dropping out of school on lack of guidance for the youth and have been left to decide on their own

"It is the responsibility of a father to look at the affairs of the son. You have abandoned this role, go back to sons, we need to mentor them,” she said.

Chelule backed the efforts by the government in eliminating gambling machines saying a lot of young men had resorted to betting, hoping for financial luck.

On the other hand she appealed to the women not to discriminate against the boy child.They should , instead, assist them where necessary as “both genders are fundamental to the success of any society.”

"The gap between the boys and the girls is becoming bigger because the girl is progressing…and I want to congratulate them for that. But let us not look at the girls alone,” she added.

She also noted that boys need counseling and guidance through their passage to manhood and that conversations of how to support boys should start from the family level.