The Uasin Gishu Senator's office has expressed its commitment to improving the livelihoods of the less fortunate in the society.

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According to co-ordination deputy manager in the Senator Margaret Kamar's office Jeremiah Kosgey, they will see to it that all funds meant to benefit People Living with Disabilities (PWD's) are effectively utilized.

"There are people who squander finances meant for people living with disabilities and just think that things work like that," said Mr.Kosgei during a sensitization forum in Eldoret town on Saturday.

He insisted that the office of the Senate in the county will ensure all the funds for the less fortunate in society are accounted for and challenged county government, and other institutions receiving funds for the disabled to work to better the intended group's livelihoods.

Similar sentiments were echoed by Nancy Kimining, founder for the Foundation of People Living with Epileptic. 

Kimining who also is challenged physically called on the members of the public to be open and support their family members who have challenges especially the physically challenged.

She called on them to get registered in order to ease their operations in helping them.

"There are parents who keep their children indoors since they fear the society. Kindly bring them out," Insisted Ms. Kimining.