Kisii is located in Nyanza province. It has got some places with their names bearing hidden meanings.

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Below are the places in Kisii with their meanings;

1. Bosongo

It is the original name of Kisii town which is derived from the name abasongo which means white people who settled their during the colonial period.

2. Nyambera

It is a place in Kisii town where people are burried.

The word is derived from the word  “embera” meaning grave. This place is believed to have many people buried there hence given the name.

3. Daraja moja

It is located near Kisii Polytechnic in Kisii town.

There is one bridge in this place reason it was given the name Daraja Moja a Swahili name meaning one bridge.

4. Nyankoba

The name Nyankoba was derived from the kisii word “enkoba” which means thunder. It was given this name because it was believed that thunder used to strike in the area continuously.

5. Manga

Manga is a place in Kisii County in Ng’enyi location that comes from the word “emanga” meaning a hill. It is a place that is surrounded with hills all over it with the common one being Manga hill.

6. Kabianga

During the migration of the Kisii people, they had settled in Kabianga because the place was fertile.

But after a given period of time, they begun to fall sick, their children dying and their livestock also died.

They then decided to move from here because of this reason. They gave the place “Kabianga” meaning they have refused.

7. Nyamache

Nyamache is a placelocated in Kisii county, Nyamache district, Nyacheki division. It comes from a Kisii word of“amache” meaning water.