Industrial CS Adan Mohammed waters a tree during the groundbreaking of Sh7.5 billion Bangladesh-based Pharmaceutical company. [Photo|The Star]

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Industrialisation CS Adan Mohammed has said that a new Sh7.5 billion medicines manufacturing plant will be constructed at the Export Processing Zone in Athi River.

Construction of the plant, to be owned by Bangladesh-based Square Pharmaceuticals, was launched by the CS on Monday.

The construction is expected to be complete by end of July 2019 where it will manufacture a range of 2 billion tablets/capsules and 60 million bottles of liquid medicines for both local use and export.

The drugs include those for communicable diseases such as HIV/Aids, Malaria and Tuberculosis. Drugs for non-communicable diseases such diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and anti-psychotic disease will also be manufactured within the first five years.

“The construction of a local pharmaceutical manufacturing plant will bring significant industrial benefits, including technology transfer and demand for education and training, development of pharmaceutical production sector and create employment opportunities, as envisaged in Kenya’s Vision 2030,” Mohammed said as quoted by the Star.

Square Pharmaceuticals said they surveyed Ethiopia and Tanzania before settling on Kenya to host the plant.

“The plant will ensure Kenya and the region can easily access quality and affordable medicine. We are grateful for the support we have received from the Government of Kenya, particularly, creating a policy and business environment where pharmaceutical companies can thrive,” Square Pharmaceuticals Limited managing director Tapan Chowdhury said.

Once operational, the plant will raise the number of pharmaceutical manufacturers in Kenya to 35.

Currently, the local pharmaceuticals supply only 28 percent of Kenya's medicinal needs while the rest is covered by imports.

According to WHO, local production of medicine in developing countries is a potential solution to the problem of public access to medicine.

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