Kesses Member of Parliament Dr.Swarup Mishra has revealed plans to construct a Sh20 million sanitary pads factory in his constituency.

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This, Dr. Mishra says will help make it affordable for school going girls to access the pads.

The MP speaking in Eldoret on Thursday expressed concerns that some girls from poor backgrounds were dropping out of school for lack of the sanitary pads.

"Once complete, the factory will help to reduce the rate of girls dropping out of the school by 100 percent and they will attend all their lessons without any difficulty," said Mishra.

He said the sanitary pads will be given for free to all girls in Kesses constituency while those from other constituencies wilł buy them at a subsidized price of Sh12 per pack.

"We will have some women groups which will be taught on how to make the pads thereafter will be employed to work in the factory," Mishra noted adding that some youths will be contracted to distribute the pads to girls in both primary and secondary.

The first term MP reiterated that his aim is to ensure that girls attend school without failure just like their male counterparts.