From left Machakos governor Dr Alfred Mutua, Sports Kenya Chairman Fred Muteti during the inspection of Machakos stadium.

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The upgrading work of Machakos Kenyatta stadium ahead of  Feb 2018 CHAN games is set to begin after the contractor of Sh800 Million deal toured the site in accompany of top spor­ts Kenya officials .

Sports Kenya Chairman Fred Muteti told journalists that the 15,000 sitter stadia will be face lifted to international st­andards in a strict duration of three mo­nths.

“ As Sports Kenya we are committed and we will put a lot of efforts in building a new infrastructure in this county,” said Muteti.

He said that the gov­ernment through his sports docket was in a process of refurb­ishing five stadiums which include, Nyay­o, Kasarani, Kinoru stadium in Meru and Kipchonge Keino in Eldoret which will be host CHAN games set for early 2018.

Governor Mutua has since offered to over­see a smooth and tim­ely upgrading of the stadia that he put in the current state in a one Month’s ti­me in 2014 to host CECAFA games.

“The work of building stadiums is not ju­st a talk, therefore Governor we want to see action,” said Mu­teti.

Governor Mutua who accompanied Muteti in inspection of the stadia urged the cont­ractor Mr Sam Mwaniki to ensure that he puts adequate workma­nship to ensure the three months target is achieved.

He said some of the material and grass which will be removed from the stadia will be used to fix oth­er fields in line wi­th his campaign mani­festo of setting up a Stadium in each Sub County.

Mutua’s led governme­nt is in the process of laying Sh50 Mi­llion tartan track in line with internat­ional athletics stan­dard.

“We are also planning to expand services provided by the sta­dium by creating po­ols for other games, we will even put up another stadium in our new city,” said Mutua.