Residents of Rioma area are shocked after 8-month old baby was found thrown in a pit latrine.

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The baby was discovered after passersby heard a sharp cry from the latrine for a long time and decided to go and see what was happening.

Inside the stinking latrine was the baby who was then looking frazzled possibly from a long cry and the stench.

A good smaritan offered to get in and rescue the child after which it was found out that the baby was a girl.

However, the mother of the child could not be traced.

The area chief Tom Monari condemned the action saying that it is a serious offence that deserved a harsh penalty.

He also asked parents to keep a close watch to their daughters especially those who deliver while in their (parents') home.

"It is so sad that someone had to throw her child in the latrine. There are many people who have been struggling to get children with no success. Given that favour, others misuse it and kill their babies. We are going to investigate and if the mother of the child is caught, she will face the law," Monari said.

The chief also said that it was unprecedented action that occurred in the area and no one should try the same in futute adding that residents should only bear the number of children they are able to raise.

After the baby was washed and given fresh milk, she was rushed to the nearby hospital for further check up.