Hotel owners and residents in Tana River County have raised concern over dirty water coming from their taps.

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Mr. Ahmed Bushra, a hotel owner, said his business has been suffering since he is losing customers who fear being exposed to diseases due to the dirty water.

Mr. Bushra said their appeal to the county government to improve the water coming from their taps has fallen on deaf ears.

“I have lost many customers who are doubting food hygiene. The customers leave immediately they see the water. We have to wait for the water to settle before we can use it,” he said as quoted by Daily Nation.

Ms. Amina Kodobo, a resident faulted the Tana River Water Services Company (Tawasco) over what she termed as negligence and complacency.

“Every time I open my tap, brownish water comes out. The water company needs to address this and ensure we get clean water. Tawasco should know we pay for the services it provides. We need value for our money,” said Ms. Kodobo.

County water services director Gwiyo Madubi confirmed that the county residents have been getting dirty water saying that the problem is as a result of water being pumped directly from the river.

Mr. Madubi said that the water is however treated and safe for use by the residents adding that the water is dirty because the county’s river is dirty.

The director urged the residents to be patient as the department together with the Tawasco board and the county government works to ensure the situation is rectified.

“Turbidity is a big problem in our county because our river is dirty. However, the water pumped to tanks is always treated and can cause no harm,” he said.

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