Marriage and divorce illustration [Photo/]

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You are not ready to hang your dating boots

Marriage requires a lot of patience and honesty, which are reinforced by spending time together and commitment. If you still feel that you are a free agent and can sample anything that it on offer, marriage is not for you. Once you commit you have to follow through to the very end.

You are the definition of emotional baggage

Having unresolved issue(s) and emotion with you ex-lover while in a new relationship is a warning sign that marriage is not for you. It is possible to work through these feelings while in marriage but your partner will pay the heavy price for something they did not do. All their actions will never measure up and your past relationship(s) will be used as a benchmark against your partner which is unfair to them.

You have hidden secrets        

If you do not trust your partner with your secrets or have clearly avoided telling them key things about yourself, clearly marriage is not your portion. Trust is a major factor in any relationship, when it comes to marriage there has to be full disclosure on important matters like finances, past relationships, family history and whether there are any children tucked away somewhere. It is hard to trust a partner who has been lying since the first day and continues to do so.

You keep having second thoughts

Our instincts are usually better placed than our emotions; if you cannot visualize yourself having a future with your partner then by all means do not marry them. An important question to ask is what your plans are once you get married because marriage is not the destination, but the start of a very tasking journey.

You are incredibly selfish

If catering for your own needs always comes first and trying to do anything for your partner feels like a burden then it shows you are not ready to even be in a relationship let alone a marriage. A relationship is about compromise if it is always you way or the highway then you should buy some space in a remote island and be by yourself.

Your reason is ‘everybody is doing it’

All your friends are getting married or have already tied the knot and you are becoming the odd one out in the group.  No one likes feeling left out and you decide its time you join the team with a grand wedding that will put all your friends to shame. The plan works perfectly and the ceremony looks splendid. During the honey moon, it hits you that you do not want to be shackled to the partner you met less than six months ago or know little to nothing about.