Relationships are not easy to get by, there will be a lot of tough times as well as the hard times and different couples opt to work things out differently in order to resolve the challenges that they face. The best thing to do would be to work it out among  yourselves but when there is no middle ground, sometimes you might be required to have a third party who is neutral and will look at things from a different angle and be able to help you.Here are signs that you and your partner should see a counselor.

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Communication has become a challenge. Communication will always be the key determiner of any good relationship their is and without that, you will always argue and keep on arguing about the same things. If it has gotten to that point, its important to seek help from another person, a professional that can help both you and your partner talk communicate again.

Questioning what your partner is doing is not something bad but when it gets to a point where their is a lot of criticism and complaints in question to what they are doing then their is a problem. Its good to be honest with your partner all the times so that they will never doubt what you do and when they ask you anything , they do so in good faith.

When their is emotional disconnect between you and your partner, its important to get help to rekindle the feeling of empathy towards your partner in all that you do. Without emotional connection, their is no consideration of our partners in our actions and how they will affect them as well as the relationship.Its always important to always try to fight for what you love.