Relationship advice for couple with questions [Photo/Huffingtonpost]

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In every relationship there is always that one very vital question. Is the person I am with the one for me? It is easy to assume they are if you do not know the signs. Here are a few signs that may indicate the person you are with is not the one for you.

You are competing against their technology-they spend more time looking the phone during dinner, movie night, a walk in the park to the extent of making you feel like you are alone.

 They do not comfort you, even after you have asked-When you are upset, how is their reaction?Everyone processes emotions differently, the question you should ask yourself is this person empathetic. 

You are always fighting-Compromise is very important in all relationships. But if you feel like you are always fighting almost every day, there is a communication breakdown happening. If someone takes something the wrong way or doesn't-understand you, and you do not feel like together you reach a resolution or learn from mistakes. 

They play the blame game-If your partner blames you and does not take responsibility for his or her own part in arguments then you are looking at an unhealthy marriage or long-term relationship.