A dam in Uasin Gishu county being silted. [Photo| County Government Uasin Gishu/Facebook]The County Government of Uasin Gishu has collaborated with the Lake victoria North water services board in siltation of dams in the County.Already 15 dams have been silted with 133 currently in the siltation process. This is according to the County and Natural Resources Chief Officer Water Simion Kemei.Speaking after assessing siltation of Chepkemel Water dam together with officials from Lake Victoria North water board, Kemei said that provision of water had been given the first priority as it was part of Governor Jackson Mandago's manifesto of ensuring every household gets sufficient water in the next 5yrs.The chief officer added that under the initiative, boreholes will be drilled in areas without source of water which include Ngenyilel, Segero Barsombe and Karona Meibeki ward.Kemei also urged residents of Chepkemel to plants more tree so as to adapt to the devastating climate change and to sustain the dam.

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