Porn addiction is common especially among men and less among women. This addiction is however not permanent and can be stopped though not in a single day. If you are a victim, follow below steps to get rid of it;
1. You have to be willing to quit
This is the first decision to make. You have to make yourself want to quit this ill activity and this has to come from deep inside you.
2. Get rid of all your porn
If you have a collection of these 'blue movies' then you have to make an effort of clearing them out of your phone, computer or if you have them in disks. If you watch them from the internet then you have to cut off the links.
3. Let go your fantasies
Having sex or fantasies in your mind will push you to watch the videos. The best thing to do is let go your fantasies to avoid temptations of watching them.
4. Get busy
An idle mind is the devil's workshop. Avoid being idle most of the times as this will create time and space to watch those dirty videos. Keep busy doing other things; maybe your hobbies.
5. Limit solitude
Limit the amount of time you are all alone. Being alone may be at home or office only provides good conditions to check your videos. Have people around you and these should not be people who tolerate pornography.
6. Find a friend to talk to
Find a friend, family friend or anybody close to you who isn't into pornography and open up to them about your addiction and they will guide you on how to stop the addiction.