Eat a well-balanced diet (Photo/
Bad feeding habits make you unhealthy. Most of the bad eating habits are caused by ignorance while others are acquired as we grow up. The habits to give up this year include
Skipping breakfast
People skip breakfast for various reasons including lacking the time to take breakfast or not feeling hungry. Breakfast is the essential meal of the day since it gives the body nutrients that provide the energy needed to carry out the day’s activities.
Late night meals.
Some people eat when they are just about to sleep. This is not good for your health since the food will not be used. It will be stored in form of body fat which leads to weight gain.
Drinking little amount of water
Water is essential for the effective supply of nutrients around the body. Our body is made up of more than 60% water and staying hydrated makes it easier for it to remove toxins and keeps your memory sharp.
Eating too much or not eating at all.
Due to tight schedules, some people fail to eat. Not eating denies the body the energy it needs and makes you weaker.
Eating too much leads to storage of lots of fat and cholesterol that may lead to obesity and heart diseases
Eating junk foods
Snacks don’t provide the right amount of nutrient the body needs in the provision of energy. Eat a well-balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, and fruits to maintain a healthy body.
Adding too much salt
Salt makes the body to retain too much water that can restrain the heart from pumping blood properly to the body.