Most residents scramble for the limited 'mabati' houses due to high demand and low rental costs in Athi River, Machakos County.

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They struggle to seek accommodation in such structures despite their unbearable conditions and weather temperatures.

"There are lots of slums in Athi River due to increased rates of joblessness and poverty among the residents, majority cannot afford modest housing hence settle in 'mabati' structures within the slums," resident Mercy Mweni said.

Mueni spoke to this writer at Njuguini Slum on Thursday.

"We scramble for the 'mabati' houses because of their low costs, they have constant prices of Sh2,500 per month," Mueni said. 

"We don't have well paying jobs, we make only Sh200 per day  which is hardly enough to cater for our basic needs," said another resident James Nduda, a bodaboda operator at Slota slum.    

They urged the national government to consider constructing modest affordable houses in Athi River to enable the poor and low income earners live in favorable conditions.

"It is not our wish to live in such pathetic conditions, we and our children fall sick frequently due to the deplorable environment and unhygienic situation," Ndunda added.

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