[KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion. He has openly declared his support for NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga. Courtesy: The Star]
Knut Nyandarua North executive secretary Simon Kairu has accused the union's national Secretary General Wilson Sossion of betraying teachers by openly campaigning for NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga.
Speaking to the media on Tuesday. Kairu claimed that Sossion's decision to back NASA was a contravention of Sossion's mandate as a unionist, adding that the Secretary General's declaration will not sway teachers' political stand.
“He is alone. He is not with teachers. Teachers are supporting the government of the day," he asserted.
“We can never agree. We will never be together, and after this I wonder whether he is going to carry on as our secretary general because he is failing teachers," he added.
He further warned that it was unlikely teachers' demands will get addressed by the government of the day following Sossion's proclamations.