The president of the Student Organization of Maseno University (SOMU) has threatened the government with action by students all over the country should it fail to put down clear strategies to secure students in institutions of higher learning.

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Charles Juma, who also doubles as the secretary general of Kenya University Students Organization (KUSO) has said that every student in Kenya has a right to security.

Speaking on Tuesday evening when Maseno students held prayers for Garissa victims, Juma said that as a body, they were going to marshal all the universities in Kenya to fight for their rights.

"We are going to marshal everyone to make sure that we get our rights," he said.

Juma added that university students might not report back to their learning institutions next semester and would not if the government did not assure them of their security.

"There is no point of coming from Busia County just to go and die in Garissa. This person then would have just stayed in Busia and wait for death there," Juma added.

He said that they might go ahead to paralyse learning in the whole country should the government not adhere to their demands.

"It is better to stay away from school for a whole semester and stay alive, then come back when security is okay," Juma said.

Juma added that students keeping away from their institutions was be better than being forced to go to school and likely die in the process of learning.