The body of a 17-year old form two student suspected to have been strangled to death by unknown killers, has been found in Karabach, Kodera South location, Homa Bay County.

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Reports indicate that the body of the deceased was found by passersby a few metres from Matiti mobile booster on Tuesday morning.

Confirming the incident, County Assistant Commissioner Henry Kerea noted that the deceased had marks and deep bruises on the neck, a sign that he could have been strangled and dumped in a bush before his motorbike was stolen.

According to Kerea, the deceased was conducting a boda boda business, adding that he was killed while going about his daily obligations. 

He divulged that the local administration had already invited the police to investigate, and arrest individuals involved in the murder.

He however regretted, how a student would be allowed to operate a boda boda business while in school.